
Prospector Hall and Centennial Hall are each equipped with a building-wide fire alarm system which is activated by 烟雾探测器 in each room. Alarm pull stations and fire extinguishers are located throughout each building in addition to a heat-activated fire sprinkler system.

Each unit in Apartment 住房 is equipped with smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. 


Fire/evacuation drills in on-campus housing facilities are scheduled a minimum of once a semester by the Environmental 健康 and Safety and Residence Life Directors with the cooperation of the BSB Fire Department.


  1. 灭火器, 火警, 烟雾探测器, 消防洒水装置, and other fire prevention equipment are provided in each residence hall as a safeguard for students and their property. Tampering or horseplay with fire safety equipment is prohibited and false 火警 will result in disciplinary action.
  2. 过载的电路是危险的. 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院不允许使用卤素灯, 空间加热器, 或带有外露加热元件的烹调装置. 也禁止使用延长线.
  3. Montana Tech is a tobacco-free campus, and smoking is prohibited on all campus property.
  4. Candles and incense or anything producing an open flame is not allowed in the residence halls.
  5. Residents will be given detailed instructions on regulations and procedures for fire drills in their living areas. Failure to respond to, or in any way inhibit, a fire drill will result in severe disciplinary action.

Procedures for Student 住房 Evacuation in the Case of a Fire

如果发生火灾, Montana Tech expects that all residents will evacuate by the nearest exit, closing doors and activating the fire alarm system as they leave. Residents should then proceed to the gathering area at Leonard field or the basement of the Student Union Building at night and during inclement weather to check in with Residence Life staff so they are accounted for. Students must not remain in the building as they might be placing themselves and others in a potentially dangerous situation. Residence Life staff will notify students when it is safe to re-enter the building after receiving permission from the Fire Department.


Fire safety information and procedures are reviewed with all residents during residence-hall orientation meetings at the beginning of each semester. All resident rooms and hallways contain placards showing fire exit routes. The Residence Hall Handbook provided to each resident contains a description of the available fire-safety equipment and fire evacuation procedures along with a list of prohibited items.


There are no current plans for upgrades in fire-safety facilities.


We would be glad to answer any questions you might have about the residence halls.
