就业服务中心鼓励您充分利用我们为您和您的学生提供的服务. Please take a moment to see what 职业服务 can do for you.

Career Info for 教师 and 工作人员

Classroom Presentations

Contact the 职业服务 office at 406-496-4140 if you are interested in scheduling a classroom presentation. 演讲内容包括:通过就业服务中心为学生提供的服务, DIGGERecruiting - DR 2.0, resume and cover letter writing, 面试技巧, career planning topics, and other job-related topics.

电子邮件 职业服务 to schedule a classroom visit.



  • 职业建议
  • Help with choosing a major
  • Job search assistance
  • Resume and cover letter writing assistance
  • Interview preparation and practice
  • 帮助建立关系网



就业服务将校园招聘信息发送到我们的办公室供学生查看 DIGGERecruiting - DR 2.0. For information about jobs on campus, please visit the Financial 援助 Student Employment page.


您希望在此页面上看到哪些其他信息或资源? Please take a second to let us know by emailing 职业服务.

Career Info for Families

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的学生家庭和职业服务中心有一个共同的目标:帮助学生为未来的职业做好准备. 职业服务中心在发展生活技能方面提供建议和帮助,使这一目标成为现实.

Tips to Help Your Student Be Successful

The career planning process can be daunting, and students need support from their families to help them be successful. Take a minute to browse these helpful tips.

鼓励 your student to take advantage of 职业服务 早期.

职业服务中心提供从选择专业到毕业后找全职工作的各种职业指导. Have your student register for DR 2.0, the online source for job postings, company and recruiter information, 采访中注册, 职业活动, 还有更多.


选择的职业越早,你的学生就会越早知道自己是否适合这个职业. Long-term planning will keep your student on the right track. Research will also increase awareness of job market demand, 薪水范围, long-range opportunities, 技能要求, 等. 让你的学生对毕业后的下一步有一些想法也很重要. Have your student contact 职业服务 早期 因此,他们可以得到最大的帮助,为就业和毕业后的生活做准备.

提醒 your student to make academics a high priority from the beginning.

While it is important to allow for an adjustment period, 请记住,一个学期的低GPA会对你的学生的整体GPA产生不利影响. 保持一个好的GPA要比花好几个学期来提高GPA容易得多.

激励 your student to obtain marketable skills during college. 美国大学和雇主协会将这些称为职业能力. Employers want students to gain skills applicable to the workplace. These are just a few:

  • 计算机(编程,文字处理,创建电子表格,使用数据库)
  • Quantitative (accounting, statistics, economics)
  • Communication (writing, public speaking)
  • Marketing (sales, publicity, fundraising)
  • Scientific (lab, scientific research, and technical writing skills)
  • Foreign Language (Spanish, French, German, 等.)
  • 领导能力(课外领导能力、团队合作能力、时间管理能力、监督能力)

Career Competencies are also gained through clubs and organizations, volunteer opportunities, as well as summer jobs and internships. 让你的学生知道职业服务中心在这里分享建议和建议,让他们在上学期间充分利用他们的时间.

支持 your student's involvement with clubs and organizations on campus.

雇主重视参与,尤其是在你的学生担任领导职务的地方. 担任几个有意义的领导角色比成为几个俱乐部和组织的成员更重要. 领导经验不仅会让你的简历看起来很漂亮,还会让你的学生有机会获得适合市场的技能. Community involvement through volunteerism is also valued by employers. Volunteer opportunities are posted online through DR 2.学生可以通过个人资料表明他们是否对志愿服务感兴趣.


学生们通常不知道他们是否会喜欢某个特定的职业,直到他们在现实环境中尝试过. Through 职业服务’ experiential learning program, 学生们在暑期工作或与专业相关的实习岗位上工作,同时获得宝贵的工作经验. 学生也可能获得高于平均水平的工资,并有资格获得学分.

职业服务中心可以帮助所有菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的学生制作简历, 面试, job search strategies, and the internship and job search process. 鼓励你的学生充分利用就业服务所提供的一切.
Contact 职业服务


University Relations Center 109